3 Great Ways On How To Grow Healthy Hair


New Member
Here are great ways to grow healthy hair using essential oils.

1. Use Almond Oil

Almond oil has special essential fatty acids that help nourish and maintain hair. In order to take advantage of almond oil for your hair, take some almond oil and put some on the palm of your hand, rub it with your hands and massage it through your scalp, try to refrain from massaging your scalp vigorously as this is unhealthy for hair and may cause hair thinning.

2. Use Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is the best oil to cleanse and purify your hair shafts and follicles. One of the best ways to grow healthy hair is make sure it grows properly, to do this you must clear the pores of your hairs. Try adding about half a teaspoon of jojoba oil onto your shampoo and conditioner, this really is effecting in cleaning away and dirt and residue stuck deep inside your hair's shaft.

3. Use Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil promotes healthy hair all-around. A great benefit from the use of rosemary oil is its faint but rather pleasant scent it brings with every application. Rosemary oil is great because it adds a healthy shine to your hair, it's recommended to be used with almond oil twice ever day.
Almond oil is great for your face too. I use it under my eyelids. I like it because unlike coconut oil or castor oil, its very light.
Here are great ways to grow healthy hair using essential oils.

3. Use Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil promotes healthy hair all-around. A great benefit from the use of rosemary oil is its faint but rather pleasant scent it brings with every application. Rosemary oil is great because it adds a healthy shine to your hair, it's recommended to be used with almond oil twice ever day.

I wish this poster would have been considerate enough to add a WARNING along with the "helpful" advice.

Use caution when using Rosemary EO if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, suffer from or are being treated for high blood pressure or epilepsy.

The love in this thread is amazing! Perhaps there are a few newbies like myself that did not know this. Thanks OP for the very useful information.
I wish this poster would have been considerate enough to add a WARNING along with the "helpful" advice.

Use caution when using Rosemary EO if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, suffer from or are being treated for high blood pressure or epilepsy.

why? what does rosemary oil do to create problems in pregnancy or high blood pressure ppl.
why? what does rosemary oil do to create problems in pregnancy or high blood pressure ppl.

from CamdenGrey: Rosemarinus officinalis, steam distilled flowering top/leaf, Spain. Strong, clear, penetrating, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma. It is analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, hypertensive and rubefacient. Not suitable for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Avoid in pregnancy since it is an emmenagogue. Might antidote homeopathic remedies. Clears the head and aids memory, good for mental strain. Helps ease gout and tired, overworked muscles, tired or weak legs and circulatory problems of extremities, as well as cold feet. Since it stimulates blood circulation, it is a good remedy for low blood pressure. It's an excellent tonic for the liver and gall bladder. Helps lower high blood sugar. Used in shampoo and hair treatments, it helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, thus being beneficial for promoting hair growth
The love in this thread is amazing! Perhaps there are a few newbies like myself that did not know this. Thanks OP for the very useful information.

the poster is a bot and doesn't really post any useful infomation. Sometimes it can be harmful. The bot never comes back to add anything to the thread, they just post and run, per se.
from CamdenGrey: Rosemarinus officinalis, steam distilled flowering top/leaf, Spain. Strong, clear, penetrating, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma. It is analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, hypertensive and rubefacient. Not suitable for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Avoid in pregnancy since it is an emmenagogue. Might antidote homeopathic remedies. Clears the head and aids memory, good for mental strain. Helps ease gout and tired, overworked muscles, tired or weak legs and circulatory problems of extremities, as well as cold feet. Since it stimulates blood circulation, it is a good remedy for low blood pressure. It's an excellent tonic for the liver and gall bladder. Helps lower high blood sugar. Used in shampoo and hair treatments, it helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, thus being beneficial for promoting hair growth

i had to look up that word.. lol.. but just in case anyone else wanted to know.. here's what it says on wiki


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Emmenagogues are herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation. Women have used plants such as mugwort, parsley and ginger to prevent or terminate early pregnancy (see Abortifacient). Others use emmenagogues to stimulate menstrual flow when menstruation is absent for reasons other than pregnancy, such as hormonal disorders or conditions like oligomenorrhea (infrequent or light menses).
i had to look up that word.. lol.. but just in case anyone else wanted to know.. here's what it says on wiki


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Emmenagogues are herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation. Women have used plants such as mugwort, parsley and ginger to prevent or terminate early pregnancy (see Abortifacient). Others use emmenagogues to stimulate menstrual flow when menstruation is absent for reasons other than pregnancy, such as hormonal disorders or conditions like oligomenorrhea (infrequent or light menses).

UH.... yea no:look:
i had to look up that word.. lol.. but just in case anyone else wanted to know.. here's what it says on wiki


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Emmenagogues are herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation. Women have used plants such as mugwort, parsley and ginger to prevent or terminate early pregnancy (see Abortifacient). Others use emmenagogues to stimulate menstrual flow when menstruation is absent for reasons other than pregnancy, such as hormonal disorders or conditions like oligomenorrhea (infrequent or light menses).

Not sure if everyone is clear that this oil could cause a pregnant woman to miscarry early in her pregnancy...thus the warning.

I wish someone could shut the bot down permanently....

the poster is a bot and doesn't really post any useful infomation. Sometimes it can be harmful. The bot never comes back to add anything to the thread, they just post and run, per se.

Bot (whatever that is) or not, the information was still useful to some of us.
Bot (whatever that is) or not, the information was still useful to some of us.

Fortunately, this time the article that was posted was innocuous. Other times the advice given was detrimental to the hair goals of the members of the forum. One concern that has been expressed in other threads is that newbies might follow some of the more damging tips that were posted.
That is great to hear about almond oil. I have been using it in my henna mix just because it was a default fallback oil I have. I got a glass bottle of it from a holiday gift box I got that included it and some EOs for massaging with.

I did not like the glass bottle in my bathroom (scared it would break) so I put it in the kitchen where I mix up my henna treatments.

I use 1 or 2 tablespoons in my mix. I really do like it as an addition to my treatment.

Now I will stop looking at it as a fall back oil and more of a beneficial product. :yep:
The love in this thread is amazing! Perhaps there are a few newbies like myself that did not know this. Thanks OP for the very useful information.

Yes I agree, not all of us are aware of everything that is discussed on these boards. Some of us are new to hair discussions and it is very good that many topics re-surface to help those that are just now joining the forum.

I can see that the OP (original poster) is a newbie and I thank you for trying. Please don't get discouraged and no matter what, enjoy your hair journey. We are here to help you in your new endeavor. I do have all of these oils and I am glad you posted about the almond oil which I purchased early in my hair journey for sealing purposes and add to my relaxer, now I know there are added benefits for using it on my scalp. Thanks again.
I don't mean to sound ignorant, but shouldn't pregnant women consult with their doctor before trying many new things and wouldn't the bottle have some kind of warning on it to pregnant women? If not, then these companies ought to be sued. Perhaps the OP did not know about the possiblilty of miscarraige, I certainly did not know this. I am however, happy and thankful that someone did post about it. I have seen many discussions on rosemary essential oil and never once have I seen this warning, so thanks again.