3 Braid Out update.....


New Member
This is the best thing to happen to me and my hair...

For those who don't know here's a link to my original thread

I had to modify a couple of things. First, instead of a curly ponytail left out to dry, the style works better if I make it a bun instead. I also decided to add two braids on the crown or front.

There are soo many reasons why I love this technique/style:

1. It's easy!!! I don't have to part or anything. I may do a rough part or pick through with my finger but that's it.

2. My hair hangs down instead of more horizontal. I found that with regular braid outs, I have waaaay too much volume for my liking. I already have a lot of hair (despite perming). All those curls and waves from 5-7 braids gives me mountain hair---people see my hair before they see me. The only reason why I even rocked this is because the curls were well defined. I also disliked it because my hair didn't move. And I always had to tease because the part lines made the curls fall into parts so you could tell I had done a braid out. With the 3 braid method, the effect is natural looking 2b waves. Nice. The Aveda link might have changed but since I don't have pics yet, its the best I could do. My hair is like the girl on the curls page. Her hair is black and wavy type 2 b.

3. Virtually no stress on my hair or on my weak spot. I have this spot in the middle back of my hair that seems to be weaker than all the other hair on my head. It breaks easily at the demarcation line. I think that wearing my hair in a pony tail all the time only made it worse. Now I only wear the pony tail initially and then that's it!.

4. No heat. I get nice waves with out having to use heat. The Almond oil gives me shine and I use a tiny bit of gel on the braid to keep it from frizzing when I finally take the braid out.

5. I have a style that works with my work outs. In an attempt to lose weight, I exercise 4-5 times a week. I love to sweat so my flat ironed straight style is a no no. But I hate just pulling my hair back all the time. I want to look cute while I lose weight!!! With this style, I can:)

I'm so happy, y'all. I will try to get some pics posted. but in the mean time
i hope this link works:

My hair is not nearly as long as hers but the waves are the same.