2016 Texlaxer Support


Well-Known Member
Calling all texlaxers, even permed yet curious, feel welcome to chime in.

Some info we can share to help our texlaxing journey:

1. What relaxer do you use to texlax
2. How often do you texlax
3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax
4. What type of hair do you have (fine, medium, coarse)
5. How do yo style your hair and how do you care for hair when going to sleep
6. What's your regimen
7. Any tips or new discoveries?

To sign up, just chime in and add a pic, if you like:-)
1. What relaxer do you use to texlax
Just for me in regular strength

2. How often do you texlax
It depends, but recently, from 8-10 weeks

3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax
I add a tablespoon of evoo, coconut oil and almond oil (3 total)

4. What type of hair do you have (fine, medium, coarse)

5. How do yo style your hair and how do you care for hair when going to sleep
During the day/evening, I usually wear my hair out and parted of the side or combed back with a headband
For sleeping, I usually wrap it, although I also like the crosswrap method. The only problem with that is that sometimes it creates a bump near my nape

6. What's your regimen
Regular co washing or pooing after overnight treatments and lots of ayurveda

7. Any tips or new discoveries?
My hair perms better and I've seen breakage disappear since I started oiling my scalp and hair shaft with coconut oil before texlaxing.
Also, there's a new protein conditioner I've been using by Vitalis, which works incredibly well. It closes the cuticle and smooths out my hair like crazy!
Ooh, ooh! Me, me!! :)

1. What relaxer do you use to texlax
Motions (lye). But I'm looking to hear from other texlaxers. I'm thinking about using ORS Lye or Mizani.

2. How often do you texlax
This year I'll be texlaxing every 3 months. I've done every 4 months for the last two years and I've experienced a huge setback.

3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax
I've been alternating between adding oil and condish to my perm and just applying it straight for a shorter period of time. Not yet sure which method I'm going to stick to, probably a combo of both.

4. What type of hair do you have (fine, medium, coarse)

5. How do yo style your hair and how do you care for hair when going to sleep
I usually alternate between mini braids for 3-4 weeks at a time and WNG ponytails. I've straightened it about once every few months as well. This year I plan to alternate between mini braids and straightened hair only.

6. What's your regimen
Still a work in progress. However, I'm reincorporating ayurveda as it has been very beneficial in the past. This regi is similar to what I did as a natural.

I water rinse or cowash daily-every other day. I cleanse every few days with a shampoo.
Always leave in some condish and then seal with oil
Rock my hair in a WNG braided ponytail or just WNG ponytail.
At night, I M&S and then cover with a satin skull cap. (I've just integrated baggying my bun overnight)
Once a week, I'll rub in Infusium 23 for protein before M&Sing at night.

If straight, I wear it down or in a ponytail - no daily water. At night, I cross wrap. As the press gets old, I oil the ends at night.
I try to DC weekly, protein followed by moisture, with heat (conditioning cap)

7. Any tips or new discoveries?
Not yet but I'll share as time goes on.
Oh! I may start blowdrying on cool instead of air drying when I rock it straight.
Thanks @MzSwift, and welcome aboard!

I tried using conditioner and oil but it really made my perm slow down so much, I still had nappy hair, so it's really good that you found a good balance with that because I know it's not so easy.

I totally love the water rinse or cowashing frequently because as I'm learning more about how my hair is with teclaxing, I've disovered that water is our friend.

It not only helps the moisture balance but helps my comb out, too.

That's also why clarifying and chelating poos have become staples, too.

I commend your choice with Ayurveda! I've been using that for a while now and my hair love love loves it!
Has anyone had any issues with their hair responding differently in different areas to the texlaxing?

My crown has always finished the perm first, but now, even the sides of my hair are growing out from the texlax very quickly. Meanwhile, the front top and nape areas are still so straight.....
I'm a long time texlaxer @grow. My hair has different textures, I just remember which area responds the fastest and apply accordingly. For instance, the top/crown gets straight FAST...so I do that section right before the nape. My nape is the most sensitive, so I texlax that at the very end, for the shortest amount of time.

I hope this helps.
IA. My crown has a different texture than the rest of my hair. It's also the very dry. I use the relaxer straight in that area but I use the mix for the rest of my hair. It's working okay for me. I'll see when I next texlax in March.

Can't believe I'm going from November to March before I texlax. I switched to doing it every 3 months instead of every 4 months because I think my hair suffered from the longer stretch. We'll see...
I miss being texlaxed. But my hair always broke off at the line of demarcation. Probably due to not enough protein and ignorance of how to do it since stylist want to act like texlaxing is a foreign concept in my city
1. What relaxer do you use to texlax . My usual Affirm in Mild and Normal (Mild for the front, Normal for the rest)
2. How often do you texlax. Every 14-16 weeks, aiming for 18 weeks.
3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax. Nothing. My hair is relaxer resistant, I go for more time than what's recommended and it is still not bone straight. I accidentally texlaxed after my stylist passed away and started doing it myself.
4. What type of hair do you have (fine, medium, coarse) Medium-coarse.
5. How do yo style your hair and how do you care for hair when going to sleep. Mizani coconut souffle alternating with Mizani H20 Night Treatment,coconut oil, loose bun and silk scarf.
6. What's your regimen. Weekly prepoo, deep conditioner under heat, rollerset,flat iron roots. Wear down the first 2 days, then in a bun until wash day.
7. Any tips or new discoveries? Air drying is my enemy, my hair gets very very tangled and dry. I recently discovered that lightly blowing my hair out if I'm not rollersetting and then bunning helps in less tangles and less breakage/shedding.
1. What relaxer do you use to texlax Mizani
2. How often do you texlax every four months or so
3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax have it applied for less time (probably half the time)
4. What type of hair do you have (fine, medium, coarse) medium
5. How do yo style your hair and how do you care for hair when going to sleep still wear my hair in a bun/baggy trick 90% of the time
6. What's your regimen I keep it really simple still. I wash and condition once a week or every other week and put in the bun.
7. Any tips or new discoveries? nah, that's why I'm here... to see what new discoveries you beautiful ladies have made.
I'm a long time texlaxer @grow. My hair has different textures, I just remember which area responds the fastest and apply accordingly. For instance, the top/crown gets straight FAST...so I do that section right before the nape. My nape is the most sensitive, so I texlax that at the very end, for the shortest amount of time.

I hope this helps.
Thank you @lana! :-) i have tried changing the areas that I texlax first, but now, it's as if more areas are changing textures. So I guess with your useful imput, I need to texlax not just 1, but 3 areas first.

I wonder if anyone else has noticed a change in their hair texture sinse texlaxing........ I've been texlaxing for 4-5 years now, so this is kinda weird.....
IA. My crown has a different texture than the rest of my hair. It's also the very dry. I use the relaxer straight in that area but I use the mix for the rest of my hair. It's working okay for me. I'll see when I next texlax in March.

Can't believe I'm going from November to March before I texlax. I switched to doing it every 3 months instead of every 4 months because I think my hair suffered from the longer stretch. We'll see...

I know exactly what you mean @MzSwift! I had stretched for 4 months but between the 5 hour detangling sessions and breakage (stretching AND texlaxing. are too much texture for me to wrap for a semi straight style), I had to stop. Good on you for being able to do it!!!!!
I miss being texlaxed. But my hair always broke off at the line of demarcation. Probably due to not enough protein and ignorance of how to do it since stylist want to act like texlaxing is a foreign concept in my city

@L.Brown1114 , that's what my stylist told me too, then she didn't want to do it, (or take responsibility for it since it's not her regular line up and there are very few stylists who know how to do our hair here), so I learned (on here) how to self relax and feel empowered by it:) i never knew anything about self relaxing, so trust me when I say that if Ican do it, anyone can do it :-)

I also relate to the breakage issues you had at the line because I experienced that too. (Huge setback, cutting up to SL as a result)

Here's what I learned:
1. If I add oil to my perm/relaxer, I need not add anything else (protein fillers, conditioners, etc.)
Between the added products and the nap in the new growth, there just wasn't enough "perm" to tame my hair into being manageable. (It became more like people who transition so the line of demarcation between previously relaxed hair was too pronounced, which is why breakage resulted. When many actually transition their hair, they many times just big chop it. I just did not know how to handle that many different textures - new growth - texlaxed middle - straight ends)
Now I texlax adding only oil and try to never let the different textures become too distant in feel/texture.

2. When I texlax, it has to be done with the same scrupulous adherence to timing as I did with my perm/relaxer.
Again, this is about the line of demarcation and when I stretched (even up to around 4 months), it really weakened the previously texlaxed areas and when trying to style, the results were time consuming and not simple. (I mainly bunned at that time but detangling would take even 5 hours because getting a comb through that multi textured jungle was too dangerous, so I had to finger detangle most of the time.)
Now I follow the instructions onthe box and every 6-8 weeks, I redo it so that my hair stays smooth and easy to manage.

@L.Brown1114 , if you like texlaximg, I hope you can discover what works for you so that you can return to it. It's been a savior for my hair (my stylist only new "bone straight" perms which had my fine hair limp and thin) and I've learned on here how to get that protein that balances really well.
Some products that keep the protein going strong are: AO GPB (which I use with AO HSR) Ors deep conditioning pack, Jane Carter Replenishing Hair Conditioner.
When I'm in a "do it myself " phase, I use a raw egg (rinsed in tepid water because hot water turns it into scrambled eggs), and mayonnaise also does the trick. Even heavy, thick cream is an excellent source of protein and it even smooths out the nap.

In ayurveda, I've found henna to be a lifesaver! It not only straightens out the nap, it also conditions and strengthens my hair! I never add lemon to it (too drying for my head) and always mix it with oils and sometimes conditioner too. It's a natural source of protein.

Maybe others can chime in on which protein conditioners really help our texlaxed hair because surely, there are ways for you to overcome the demarcation dilemma.

I wish you all the best in your hhj and hope you find what you need to return to texlaxing with success! :-) :-) :-)
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Hey guys! I would LOVE to join:

1. What relaxer do you use to texlax - Mizani, I have it done professionally
2. How often do you texlax - I actually JUST got my first texlax back in December, still deciding between 12-16 weeks. Will have to see how my hair feels at the line of demarcation and if there is any breakage
3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax - Nothing, just have my lady purposely under-process me
4. What type of hair do you have (fine, medium, coarse) - Fine, 4A
5. How do yo style your hair and how do you care for hair when going to sleep - Right now, I am alternating between airdrying in twists or bantu knots or flexirods and blow-drying. At night, I M&S and put it up, depending on how I am wearing it.
6. What's your regimen - AHHHH, I don't have one, in fact, I have never had one. From relaxed to natural to texlaxed now, my biggest issue with my hair is I do not have a consistent regimen. I am going to focus on finding one over the next month or 2. I generally like to wash once every 1-2 weeks and I think I need to incorporate a hard protein every few weeks. We shall see (le sigh)
7. Any tips or new discoveries? - No :( I hope some of you long-time texlaxers can help me out with regimen and general tips
@danysedai , welcome aboard! :-)

And congratulations on being able to texlax even though you have....how did you say...."relaxer resistant hair"!

I see a lot of Mizani products in your reggie and have heard many good things about them, although I haven't tried them much myself (yet). I'm glad you found what works for you! :-)
@adrienne0914 welcome aboard!

My iPad nearly fell out of my hands when I clicked on your links and saw your long, luscious hur!!!!! Omgosh, That is texlaxed?! It's even amazing that you are able to get the perm on everywhere you want it AND get it off your head even faster than the recommended time! Your stylist must be super fast, or do you do it? I also like that you have a low manipulation reggie. Although I must say, with hair like that (it looks waist length to me, if not tailbone), I would not be able to keep my hands out of it! :-) kudos!:-)
Hi @itsjusthair88 , welcome aboard! :-)

Great siggy! You hair looks like it's in great condition! Fantabulous, even without a "regimen", but hopefully you'll find some nice ideas from the others who chime in. :-)
question: did you grow your hair to this great length while texlaxing all the time? I ask also because I noticed that you went from relaxed to natural too, so since you have great experience with wearing your hair in all the different forms, which do you prefer? Thanks:-)
:circle: i just wanna say :thankyou: to everyone for sharing your texlaxing ideas, discoveries, regimens, questions, ups and downs, successes and yes, Pitchas!

Here's where I am now (taken just over a month ago) and because of the uneven growth, I might be texlaxing again soon. I think I may have left it a tad bit under processed, which is actually goodfor my nape an edges....


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Hi @itsjusthair88 , welcome aboard! :)

Great siggy! You hair looks like it's in great condition! Fantabulous, even without a "regimen", but hopefully you'll find some nice ideas from the others who chime in. :)
question: did you grow your hair to this great length while texlaxing all the time? I ask also because I noticed that you went from relaxed to natural too, so since you have great experience with wearing your hair in all the different forms, which do you prefer? Thanks:)

Thank you! I was actually natural the last 4 years and then I texlaxed, so we'll see how my hair holds up. TBH, I had long relaxed hair (I'll try to find an old picture) and I'm hoping I can replicate that. I prefer being chemically-treated, honestly. I never felt like my natural hair looked like anything, to me at least. I hated wearing any "outs" (twists, braids, OR bantu knots) and overall, I just didn't like it. But that's just ME, I like my texlaxed hair for now may change my mind, who knows? Haha
@itsjusthair88 , well your hair sure looks fabulous!

I hope the texlaxing works for you. I know how you feel......my hair had been heading towards natural at one point and it was just too much not me. Plus, the shine I can have on my hair with some kind of perm, is something my natural hair could never come close to. It's good that we know what we prefer!:-)
Ok ladies, for the first time ever, I'm texlaxing today after only 6 weeks. The ng is unbearable and I've been afraid to put a comb through it for at least a week.

Has anyone else ever texlaxed or permed after only 6 weeks?

I had underprocessed my last perm and nearly left out the edges, but now it's become a brillo pad.

Please cross your fingers for me...... I've never put a chemical on so soon and hope to still have (healthy) hair on my head once I'm done! :-)