2015 Hair Goals


What do you hope to achieve in 2015? Longer hair, strength, shine, thickness, color, healthier ends or something else all together.

Lets list those goals and how you plan to achieve them.

In 2015 I plan to grow out my layers by dusting my ends every few months. I also want stronger and shinier hair. I would like to end '15 with Mbl, but I would be just as happy with blunt full Bsl :yep:

My regimen: Monthly Dominican blowout with an overnight coconut oil prepoo before.
Trim every 3-6 months as needed
Moisturize with Neutrogena silk touch cream and seal with argan oil
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This is a good topic. I want longer and healthier hair.
I will implement sulfur treatments with liquid gold green magic and sulfur based oil.
I will either use cornrow styles or try crochet braids. I have had good results with braids in the past and will return to these for protective styling.
I will use my quality deep conditioning and protein treatments between installs.
Continue the use of hot oil tretments.
I will enjoy the journey.
Full APL or longer.
I plan on:
bunning daily
Moisturizing daily
deep conditioning weekly
heat stretching approx 2x per month
Trimming 2x in 2015
Dusting as needed
In 2015, I'd like to continue my transition and maximize my growth and retention.

To accomplish this I plan to:

1. Stick with my product staples. They work so, no more experimenting.
2. Stick to my regimen. It works. This included babying my ends and not slacking off on moisturizing and sealing.
3. Protective styling
4. Exercise, eat healthier, and take vitamins.
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My goal is to a grow my hair to waist length and I want it to be nice and thick but not too thick.

I plan to do that by continuing to stretch my relaxers and do pre shampoos and deep conditioning as well as getting trim every 6 six months or as needed.
Good thread! I've been going through my hair inspiration albums and trying to get a better idea of what my goals are.

Less/no experimenting in 2015: what I'm doing works. My products work. I just get bored and start reading the forum and want to try something new.

Stick to twist outs: I love the way they look and I wear my hair out more because of this.

Don't cut: I'm starting to get to the length where I realize long hair is a lot of work. The last time I made this realization I cut all my hair off and immediately started the grow out journey again. I'm probably 2-3 years from a waist length twist out so I have to suck it up and put in the work.

Participate more: I'm guilty of seeing genuine questions and not answering them even if I can. From now on, if I have the time I will try to help out someone else.

Hair goals:
image-487881092.jpg image-1608118611.jpg image-3372757597.jpg image-895496470.jpg

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For 2015 I want thicker, healthier waist length hair by the end of the year. I'm at mid back length right now but in 2 weeks I'm going to end up cutting to bra strap length or just below it. I looked at my ends this morning and ummmm...some of them gotta go. I'm not one to hold on to raggedy or severely uneven, see through ends for the sake of claiming a certain length.

The plan: Bunning, wearing wigs, Marley twists and crochet braids until my birthday in June. Eating better, drinking more water, exercising, taking my vitamins (regular multi and Manetabolism), going back to doing the inversion method and daily scalp massages using a modified version of NJoy's sulfur oil mix.

The regimen: (Pretty much the same as now) Pre-poo with ridiculous amounts of coconut oil, wash with bentonite clay and acv, deep condition with Shea Moisture raw shea butter deep treatment masque (overnight or at least 2 hours with heat), add a bit of whatever cheapie conditioner I have on hand to detangle, apply garnier fructis leave in then seal with my oil mix (almond, grapeseed, avocado, olive and apricot oils with a few drops of rosemary and peppermint oil). Frequency will vary depending on my style choice.
For 2015 I want full waist length hair (my last goal ;) ).
My plan is to stay in maintenance mode. For me that's eating right, exercising, proper moisture levels and lots of PSing:yep:.

The regimen: DC a minimum of once a week, protein when needed, frequent CWing, and sealing with select seasonal oil blends (grapeseed, JMBCO, CO, and hemp oil). I'm 99% low-maintenance, low manipulation.
2015 Hair Goal: BSL or longer hair

I plan to:

1- Henna once or twice a month
2- protein treatment 1-2 times per month
3- Weekly shampoos
4- Mid week co washes
5- Steam sessions 1-3 times per week during colder months
6- hot as needed
7- AM and PM mist with liquid moisturizer, seal hair with oil
8- protective styling
9- trims as needed

Well this is the plan. I will see how it goes.
I would like my hair to look like this when straight:


And this when curly:


I am going to step up my nutrition and get more greens in my diet, take a good multivitamin, step up on deep conditioning without rushing and more co washing and buns.

I'm attempting to go without heat for a year :)
I had to just cut off about 4-5 inches all around, so I'm moving into 2015 with a clean slate. My hair is about shoulder length and my main goal would be to grow my hair while still retaining density, which has been my issue in the past. I think I have a solid detangling plan now, so when my hair begins to grow to longer lengths again I should be able to avoid the breakage I sustained and maintain my hair's density.
I would also like my hair to look like these pics:



^^this girl's hair resembles mine the most (2ndpic)... I hope eventually it will drop more and look like this.

I really trying to get the front of my hair to just look... Right. It's so wavy and coarse :( sometimes I just wanna shave off the front and leave the back lol
I want MBL to WL in 2015. I will be happy with MBL, but WL would be really nice. If I could retain 4" next year, I will be scraping waist. :lick: To do this I will:

1. Drink more water, continue to drink protein shakes, and take multi vitamins w/iron.
2. Protein treatments every two weeks.
3. Keep hair braided up in cornrows or braids for two weeks at a time under wigs.
4. Sulfur oil scalp massages
5. DC weekly
6. Moisturize and seal every other day.
Im setting my eyes on length and thickness. I expect to be on my way to BSL by this time next year. Im tall with a long torso, so I'm patient.

-wigs, crochet braids, and sew ins most of the year
-dc weekly/biweekly
-m&s more often now that I know what products my hair likes
-get a nice trim in March and keep my ends tucked away
-scalp massages 3x per week with growth enhancers (liquid gold green magic, bobeam rootz, bee mine sulfur serum)
Maintain healthy natural hair
Good consistent regiment
Reach SL (or longer)
Master twistouts & non crunchy shingled wash n go
I just wanna be in that is it weave length range this coming year.

gonna continue my current regime of moisturizing every other day, shampoo every 1 or 2 weeks and wigs.
Edited because I think my goal was unrealistic. I was aiming for MBL while having APL hair. And considering my growth rate I think BSB is more attainable. If I get past that I will be happy.

My goal for 2015 is to reach BSB. My goal for 2014 was to reach APL by December and I have.

I changed my regime and will continue to do what is working now.

No more experimenting with products. I know what works.
Wash with clay and shakakai powder once or bi weekly. Air dry, m&s and protective style.

protein treatments every couple of months. Not weekly how I used to do them. Since switching to a moisture based routine my hair has been loving it.

Protective styles will be cornrows, braids and wigs.
Continue to search and destroy. This has been the biggest benefit to my ends.
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MBL hair without struggle ends
I can achieve it by not being lazy and actually following my regimen
I plan to get to past WL in 2015, I'm MBL right now so that goal is very do-able. :yep:

• Stretch hair for a reasonable amount of time (I think 4 months is right for me)
• Stay healthy – drink lots of water, take vitamins, drink green smoothies, etc.
• Use protein conditioner often enough to strengthen hair, only use moisture conditioners while stretching
• Lightly trim to keep ends in check as well as to see progress in trouble spots (my nape seems to improve when I trim the dry ends)
• Keep scalp clean and switch shampoos from time to time (I have a scalp problem and if I don't switch shampoos, I get bad flare-ups)
• Treat my hair to steam treatments for added moisture
• Stay positive and envision goals – if you can see it, you can achieve it :yay:
Find staple products and stick to a regimen.
Reach BSL and maintain.
End my transition at 24 months post.
Learn how to roller set.
Only use direct heat less than 10 times a year.
▪I want to reach BSL by the end of 2015
《I plan to achieve this by using topical hair growth mixtures and mane choice vitamins as well as incorporating more veggie/green juice in my diet》

▪healthier ends
《Right now im still trying to find my staples for keeping my ends moisturized. Once i get that down pact, my PS should be a breeze and hopefully my ends will reap the benefits :)

▪retain length
《 i hope to achieve this by sticking to a regimen that keeps my hair moisturized and tangle free. Once i retain enough length i will chop off the relaxed ends》
i just did a length check last night...5 inches from May-December. i started with about 1/2-1 inch of hair. i've been using a half wig that blends so well, people think its my hair. i leave the front out and cornrow the rest, moisturizing as needed. I have not had to cut my ends since May.

my biggest issue has never been growth or retention, but patience. i always cut it off when i get to the awkward stage, which is where i am at now. because of the multiple textures and fine strands, styling was difficult. but i really think, if i keep up with the wig, i just may make it thru the winter.


low manipulation. right now, i redo the cornrows once a week
shampoo once a week
cowash as needed (i work out)
black castor oil (Oh. My. Goodness)
drinking water--i average a gallon at work and another quart at home
i take a multivitamin
plan to add biotin
protein treatments as needed
-I want to finally reach fully BSL with my hair being thick, healthy and full of sheen.
-I plan to continue to wash and DC weekly, with a mid-week cowash.
-I'll make sure that my hair is protected at night in my silk scarf and sleeping on my satin pillow case (so even if the scarf comes off, my hair is still protected).
-I just started using NJoy's oil. I plan to continue using that, along with my JBCO.
-Continue using my Oyin and JOICO products. They give me a nice mix of natural and salon products that my hair likes.
-I'll alternate between buns and twists for my hair style.
My 2015 hair goals are:
  • thick hemline
  • full MBL hair (WL would be lovely but I prefer thick ends)
  • no heat damage
My 2015 goal is grazing BSL. I will stick to my regimen and products. Stop experimenting. Embrace the shrinkage. Straighten my hair less. Wig it up more. Take my vitamins. And pray somehow my ends stop breaking off. I see the growth. I just need to retain better.
2015 Goals
- Waist Length, Waist Length, Waist Length
- Keep my ends in better shape to avoid dusting every 8-10 weeks - no cutting until May
- Be more deliberate with my PJ-ism, no buying tons of something I've never tried before
- Expand my updo/protective styles
*Update my brushes & combs to wooden.

*Replace all my store bought "satin" hair stuff to handmade real silk.

*Purchase some new flat irons. I don't use heat in my hair often as I prefer a healthier route of using roller sets to get my hair straight. I just want more flat irons for variety when I do straighten. The ones I have are 1 inch and since my hair has grown so much, I really want some with bigger plates.

***Moisturize my hair more often. Gotta keep these ends around!

***Full hip length hair

*All of these goals are in the order that I'm working on. The ones marked with *** are ongoing through out the year.
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My 2015 main hair goal: A) Not to get hair lazy and B) Focus on my health. I loved mini-braids, but in light of my recent discovery..I can't do them anymore *tears* I found out that combing my hair is akin to giving it a haircut. However, I can blow-dry it with the comb attachment with little to minimal hair shedding/breakage (go figure). This makes me re-think my whole hair routine. ETA: I relaxed my hair a bit straighter so I won't be blow-drying. I'll still be doing everything in sections and finger-detangling. I'll also be co-washing a bit more, baggying and trying to keep my moisture/protein up. I'll also keep up on my trims and try to keep up on my healthy stuff.
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