Instagram: adaybyjay
My regi was bun nonstop! I bunned every way I knew how. I didn't hide under a wig all that much, maybe once or twice the entire challenge. I'm just not that comfy in wigs yet to wear them to work which is where I spend most of my time. I don't mind wearing them on the weekends and after work hours...I've just not brought myself to showcase at work yet.All you ladies are so inspirational! Everyone made progress, no matter if it wasn't as spectacular as what you planned for yourselfEverybody moved forward in their healthy hair journey so
I almost feel near tears because you ladies worked so hard at achieving your goals and succeeded! Divachyk, NJoy, MsCoco, Janet`, & Dee Raven, I need all of your reggies ASAP because yall's hair put all of us "regular growers" to shame
I poo and DC once weekly. I scalp massage daily for a few minutes. Moisturize seal 2x daily (morning/night). I juice my ng several times a week. During most of the challenge I was using Scurl but now I'm using Taaliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier now that it has cooled off. I was still trying to find my staples for most of the challenge so I used a combination of products, wasn't really dedicated to anything particular. Now my weekly regi goes something like -- Hair One, Roux PC, Aphogee 2 min, DC for 1 hour with AOWC and mix in 1tbsp hemp, avocado and evoo. I generate heat for my DC by putting on 4 plastic caps and covering my head with either a baseball cap or a beanie. I tried the home grown steam treatment a few times throughout the challenge for my DC. I air dry always and am now in love with the Tangle Teezer for detangling.