2 Week Club: The low manipulation challenge... anybody?


Well-Known Member
Some (not all) of my favorite long hair Divas are masters of low (almost no) manipulation. I love the concept but I've never been able to pull it off for more than 5-6 days. I want to be in the 2 week club! :yep: :eek:

So I'm starting a personal challenge with the goal of seriously LOW manipulation. It goes something like this...
  1. You CANNOT comb, detangle, rollerset or blow dry (less it's with a diffuser) more than once every 14 days.
  2. No protective styles... unless you really really want to.
  3. Work up to 2 weeks gradually (start with a few days, then 1 week, 1.5 weeks and finally 2 weeks.)
The goal is to only detangle, comb/brush, rollerset, or blowdry 8-12 times for the rest of this year (August - December 2007). :eek: With that said, once your reach your goal you get three passes when you're allowed to detangle before the 2 weeks is up.

The goal is to be at 2 weeks (or 1 week) without detangling by December 2007.

If you get there early that's awesome, but take it slow and listen to your hair.

This is not about protective styles or hiding my hair. I'm only wearing hairstyles that look good on me, are my real hair, and that I can repeat everyday with almost no manipulation. For inspiration visit sylver2, lonei, lala, pokahontas ... <I'm blanking, but I'll think of the others in a minute> :blush3:

As my lo-mani style I've chosen the WnG. It's my favorite anyway, but it allows me to restyle my hair with a spray bottle and wash it once/week without breaking any rules. :)

For detangling I already have a technique and products that work for me.
When it's time to detangle I coat my hair in oil, rinse it, apply conditioner and detangle with a wide-tooth comb under running water. SLOWLY. Starting from the ends and working my way up.

Anybody wanna join me?

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Some (not all) of my favorite long hair Divas are masters of low (almost no) manipulation. I love the concept but I've never been able to pull it off for more than 5-6 days. I want to be in the 2 week club! :yep: :eek:

So I'm starting a personal challenge with the goal of seriously LOW manipulation. It goes something like this...
  1. You CANNOT comb, detangle, rollerset or blow dry (less it's with a diffuser) more than once every 14 days.
  2. No protective styles... unless you really really want to.
  3. Work up to 2 weeks gradually (start with a few days, then 1 week, 1.5 weeks and finally 2 weeks.)
The goal is to only detangle, comb/brush, rollerset, or blowdry 8-12 times for the rest of this year (August - December 2007). :eek:

This is not about protective styles or hiding my hair. I'm only wearing hairstyles that look good on me, are my real hair, and that I can repeat everyday with almost no manipulation. For inspiration visit sylver2, lonei, lala, pokahontas ... <I'm blanking, but I'll think of the others in a minute> :blush3:

As my lo-mani style I've chosen the WnG. It's my favorite anyway, but it allows me to restyle my hair with a spray bottle and wash it once/week without breaking any rules. :)

For detangling I already have a technique and products that work for me.
When it's time to detangle I coat my hair in oil, rinse it, apply conditioner and detangle with a wide-tooth comb under running water. SLOWLY. Starting from the ends and working my way up.

Anybody wanna join me?

YAAAAYYYYY! MEEEE!!! You must have read my mind!

Mine was going to be For 90 days, 8/24 to 11/21 ( thanksgiving eve), but i will do it untill new years eve now!

My hair has an attitude, and it seems to flourish if i just leave it the heck alone--and i want to keep breakage down as low as possible untill thanksgiving/christmas

I want to cut back washing ( got the idea from lonei and slyver also), because it takes alot of detagnling, and maniplualtion---im going to airdry, then do a silk wrap., then everynight maybe put it in a ponytail or pincurl

I detangle the same, expect i do it w/cream of nature wheni wash in the shower
Nope, it's not a dirty challenge--I tried that... I couldn't hang. :) Wash as needed. I co-wash or wash every 3 days.

Scenario: I wash twice a week (1 co-wash and one poo wash) I only detangle in the shower, and then I just pin it up and let it air-dry. I tie it down with a scarf at night to smooth the newgrowth and then in the AM I spray moisturizer on it and pin it back up. I don't comb it again until next wash. Would this qualify for the challenge? Cause if it does, count me in :look:
I'm in. I been actually doing this for about three weeks. I think it works great. I wear braidouts and rollersets.
Scenario: I wash twice a week (1 co-wash and one poo wash) I only detangle in the shower, and then I just pin it up and let it air-dry. I tie it down with a scarf at night to smooth the newgrowth and then in the AM I spray moisturizer on it and pin it back up. I don't comb it again until next wash. Would this qualify for the challenge? Cause if it does, count me in :look:

Wow! That sounds like my regimen. Ok, the deal is you can only detangle during 1 of those washes (either the co-wash or the poo).

Ultimately, the goal is only detangle every other poo so that 14 days passes before your next detangling session. You can still poo and co-wash on your usual schedule (twice/wk), but only detangle one out of every 4 washes (i.e., 2 weeks).
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YAAAAYYYYY! MEEEE!!! You must have read my mind!

Mine was going to be For 90 days, 8/24 to 11/21 ( thanksgiving eve), but i will do it untill new years eve now!

My hair has an attitude, and it seems to flourish if i just leave it the heck alone--and i want to keep breakage down as low as possible untill thanksgiving/christmas

I want to cut back washing ( got the idea from lonei and slyver also), because it takes alot of detagnling, and maniplualtion---im going to airdry, then do a silk wrap., then everynight maybe put it in a ponytail or pincurl

I detangle the same, expect i do it w/cream of nature wheni wash in the shower

:yay: You're as excited as I am! Nice reggy too.
Maybe we should have two clubs the 1 week club and the 2 week club. Right now I'm just trying to get in the 1 week club. Next month I'm trying for 2 weeks.
Wow! That sounds like my regimen. Ok, the deal is you can only detangle during 1 of those washes (either the co-wash or the poo).

Ultimately, the goal is only detangle every other poo so that 14 days passes before your next detangling session. You can still poo and co-wash on your usual schedule (twice/wk), but only detangle one out of every 4 washes (i.e., 2 weeks).

Okay, I get it now :yep:
Count me in!
Awesome! So you're detangling once every 3 weeks?
No... I detangle every two weeks. I'm just three weeks into the regimen switch. I havent detangled in a week, so my next detangling session is next Tuesday or Wednesday and I'll rollerset. It was pretty scary the first time I detangled after 2 weeks but my hair was noticably thicker and stronger. I think it worth a second try.
Does finger combing count?

For the purpose of styling you can finger comb. :yep: I move and reposition a few curls every morning or rake all of it up into a pony tail. But at no point should you run your fingers from your scalp to your ends through your hair. :nono2:
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No... I detangle every two weeks. I'm just three weeks into the regimen switch. I havent detangled in a week, so my next detangling session is next Tuesday or Wednesday and I'll rollerset. It was pretty scary the first time I detangled after 2 weeks but my hair was noticably thicker and stronger. I think it worth a second try.

Excellent! Just what I wanted to hear. Congrats on making it to the 2 week club. :flowers: I bet that was scary. Kinda like taking braids out. :eek:
I wish I could join.

I am taking my braids out this weekend so I am SO looking forward to having my hands ALL UP IN my hair.

I miss it.
Some (not all) of my favorite long hair Divas are masters of low (almost no) manipulation. I love the concept but I've never been able to pull it off for more than 5-6 days. I want to be in the 2 week club! :yep: :eek:

So I'm starting a personal challenge with the goal of seriously LOW manipulation. It goes something like this...
  1. You CANNOT comb, detangle, rollerset or blow dry (less it's with a diffuser) more than once every 14 days.
  2. No protective styles... unless you really really want to.
  3. Work up to 2 weeks gradually (start with a few days, then 1 week, 1.5 weeks and finally 2 weeks.)
The goal is to only detangle, comb/brush, rollerset, or blowdry 8-12 times for the rest of this year (August - December 2007). :eek:

This is not about protective styles or hiding my hair. I'm only wearing hairstyles that look good on me, are my real hair, and that I can repeat everyday with almost no manipulation. For inspiration visit sylver2, lonei, lala, pokahontas ... <I'm blanking, but I'll think of the others in a minute> :blush3:

As my lo-mani style I've chosen the WnG. It's my favorite anyway, but it allows me to restyle my hair with a spray bottle and wash it once/week without breaking any rules. :)

For detangling I already have a technique and products that work for me.
When it's time to detangle I coat my hair in oil, rinse it, apply conditioner and detangle with a wide-tooth comb under running water. SLOWLY. Starting from the ends and working my way up.

Anybody wanna join me?


I would like to join! This seems like fun. I hope I'll grow mucho by December. Man, will it be hard.
Ok I want to join but what do you do if you are due for a relaxer? Would that be your manipulation for that week or 2 weeks? Cause ya kinda have to manipulate to apply a relaxer. Just courious. But all the same COUNT me IN. My hair loves some low mani/no mani styles and mantainance.

Ok I want to join but what do you do if you are due for a relaxer? Would that be your manipulation for that week or 2 weeks? Cause ya kinda have to manipulate to apply a relaxer. Just courious. But all the same COUNT me IN. My hair loves some low mani/no mani styles and mantainance.


Oh, that's a good point. I hadn't thought about that. There will be times when you absolutely have to detangle your hair... relaxer time is one of them. :think: I think we should get 3 passes (or get out of jail free cards).
Ok... I am in...

Here's my plan...

I will be CW twice a week and doing a Poo/Con once week... I will only detangle in the shower when needed... I will air dry with a silk scarf... and wear the baggy, braid outs... I will try and post a before picture and after
Just add me to this list! This is just what I need but I am really going to need a lot of help with a daily style. :rolleyes:
I wanna join but I think I will always be in the one week club. I just can't go longer than a week with out detangling... sounds nice though.