17 wks post...what to do with new growth


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

So this is my second time stretching out my relaxer, and I am very proud of myself. I have stuck to my regiment of washing my hair once a week, and keeping the heat to a minimum. However, I have run into a problem. At 17wks post, my new growth is thick and dry. I seriously feel like I am wearing some sort of hat. Because when I go to run my fingers through my ng, which I do all the time, my finger will get stuck. :ohwell:

I know that I am close to my time of getting a new relaxer, but I was hoping to be able to surpass that mark. Does anyone have any tips for softening up new growth? I have been hearing so much about the Mizani H20 Night Time treatment, and I want to try it. But I'm thinking that the way this stuff feels, it might be to late. :lol: ..........:perplexed

Somebody please help me!! As thick as it is I'm almost to ashamed to have anybody mess with my head at this point. I need to fix this dryness before trying to go to a salon to get a relaxer.
Thanks ladies,

I'll have to give that try. I'm just a little worried about getting it wet. The last wash I did took me hours just because my hair was so thick. But if this softens the new growth then this just might make things easier for me.
SweetAKA said:
Hey ladies,

So this is my second time stretching out my relaxer, and I am very proud of myself. I have stuck to my regiment of washing my hair once a week, and keeping the heat to a minimum. However, I have run into a problem. At 17wks post, my new growth is thick and dry. I seriously feel like I am wearing some sort of hat. Because when I go to run my fingers through my ng, which I do all the time, my finger will get stuck. :ohwell:

I know that I am close to my time of getting a new relaxer, but I was hoping to be able to surpass that mark. Does anyone have any tips for softening up new growth? I have been hearing so much about the Mizani H20 Night Time treatment, and I want to try it. But I'm thinking that the way this stuff feels, it might be to late. :lol: ..........:perplexed

Somebody please help me!! As thick as it is I'm almost to ashamed to have anybody mess with my head at this point. I need to fix this dryness before trying to go to a salon to get a relaxer.

Girl I know your pain!!!! I'm 10 weeks post relaxer and I have a straight up fro at the top. My hair is naturally dry and tangled. I had to fight with this hair when I washed it last weekend, and ended up losing way too much hair in the detangling process. I'm going to try using the Fantasia IC gel and the Kid's organics shea butter moisturing lotion that everyone is raving about. I'll try my best to at least try to get it in a semi-decent bun. Have you found a good salon yet?
SweetAKA, first of all, let me give you an earpiercing SKEEEEEE WEEEEE!!!

Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way. LOL!!!:D I agree with the person that said co/washing. Try to do it a couple of times a week, and shampoo every two weeks. I'm 7 weeks post, and I haven't had many problems with my new growth yet. But co/washing has definitely made my hair, in general, more managable. I can actually detangle without a struggle now!!! HTH!!
I stretched my last last relaxer 20 weeks and cowashing really helped. However I don't think my hair likes Scurl so I put a half and half mixture of infusium in a spray bottle and use that on my new growth!!! Works like a charm. My sister uses the H20 night time treatment and she raves about it so you might wanna give that a try also. Good luck and happy stretching:) !!!!!
Skee Wee over here too! LOL. Anyway, I use Paul Mitchell Super Skinny line to help to detangle my new growth. I just got a relaxer yesterday. My last one was April 8th. The SS shampoo and conditioner really helped. I also used PM The Rinse and that helped as well. Good luck! I don't think that I ever want to go beyond 18 weeks.
A big SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEEE to my sisters out there.:grin:

Thanks everyone for your input. Cause this stuff is just crazy. I went out and bought some of the Mizani H20 treatment, and will go back out tonight and pick up some s-curl spray. I'm praying this will help me out, I have never had new growth like this before. Mainly because I have never stretched this long. I guess my patience is growing towards my hair.

I've tried doing the cowashes also....it's just that my hair is so thick I hate to deal with it everyday or even every 2 days. Just because it takes me hours to get it done. But I guess I will have to go back to doing something. But it literally is a jungle back there. :lol:

*CreoleBelle* I had made an appointment to go to the Root of You Salon, but have yet to get a call back about confirming my appointment. I made the request online about Tuesday, to go in on either Thursday or Sunday and no one has called me. So I guess I'm back to the darn drawing board again.
SweetAKA said:
A big SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEEE to my sisters out there.:grin:

Thanks everyone for your input. Cause this stuff is just crazy. I went out and bought some of the Mizani H20 treatment, and will go back out tonight and pick up some s-curl spray. I'm praying this will help me out, I have never had new growth like this before. Mainly because I have never stretched this long. I guess my patience is growing towards my hair.

I've tried doing the cowashes also....it's just that my hair is so thick I hate to deal with it everyday or even every 2 days. Just because it takes me hours to get it done. But I guess I will have to go back to doing something. But it literally is a jungle back there. :lol:

*CreoleBelle* I had made an appointment to go to the Root of You Salon, but have yet to get a call back about confirming my appointment. I made the request online about Tuesday, to go in on either Thursday or Sunday and no one has called me. So I guess I'm back to the darn drawing board again.

I'm trying to stretch to 20 weeks right now. I don't know if I'll make it though. I want to texlax so I'm going to follow the ladies advice from another thread to apply protein conditioner the night before I get my hair relaxed. That way I won't be so afraid of getting my hair overprocessed. Until I find someone else out here, I'll just go back to the lady who's relaxed my hair before. She only charges $40 for a relaxer. I'm going to try Silk Elements Mild Lye relaxer next time. I'll bring it in and put a little oil in it to drop the pH level. I'll also ask her to smooth the relaxer with her fingers instead of the back of a rattail comb. My relaxers usually come out pretty good when she does them. I'm just concerned about her detangling my hair with a rattail comb:eek: , which I will address next time. The weird part is that I don't lose any hair when she does it though. If I would even think about detangling my own hair with a rattail comb, I'd be bald in 10 minutes.

O.K. now to try to help a sister out: ITA with using the S-curl for the NG. Right now I am at 10 weeks post and know what to expect in managing my NG, but when I went 6 months, it was seriously trial and error and I found what worked best was doing sylver's scarf method and just not combing it throughout the entire week.

I used all my leave-ins (Rusk Smoother, Infusium 23, NTM Silk Touch, and I added S-Curl) when I got out of the shower and it was still wet, tied it down to dry and left it alone for the entire week. That was the only way I could deal with it.

Congrats on making it 17 weeks post.:eek: I am jealous of yr skills.:lol: ITA on S Curl and Cwing. Why not smooth some leave in condish and throw a scarf on it? The last time I did this my NG dried reasonably strait and I did not have to do anything to it.
Ooooh...I have another suggestion that I tried yesteray (I'm 18 wks post). Get some sunsilk hydra TLC & De-Frizz 24/7 creams and the hydrating mask. I dc'ed with Cholesterol mixed with Castor Oil and glycerin. Then I applied the mask for 5 minutes. After rinsing out the mask I applied both the hydra tlc and de-frizz in my hand and put it on my hair. Then I rollerset it. My ng was incredibly soft and the waves were fairly straight (de-frizz cream seems to loosen the curl while the Hydra softens). I am sticking to this regimen because this is the softest and most manageable my hair has been since I have been attempting to wear it down (about 4 weeks). Usually I use the S-Curl and scarf method but I am going to switch to this method from now on.
Well last night I tried the S-curl after washing my hair, and it did seem to soften up my ng a little better. Tonight I will use the Mizani H20 treatment and see how that helps out also.

But thanks a lot guys for your input. I really needing it.