15mis to get texlax – is it long enough?


New Member
Hello ladies,
I am due for a relaxer next week after 5 months of stretching. I have a lot of growth and I really want to control the relaxer process at the salon. Not brave enough to self relax just yet.

I don’t like my hair bone straight and when I started relaxing in ’03 it was texlaxed. Anyway I want to go back to that cos I think sometimes it’s been over processed. Is 15mins a good estimate for time as far as putting the relaxer on and working it in – beginning to end?

Basically I wana time the stylist from the moment she touches my hair with relaxer for 15mins and insist she washes it out. That way I can get the under processed – processed – under processed cycle going.

Those who telax or use the under processed – processed – under processed cycle, please advice….
Relaxer heads get in on this too please.
Cheers :)
15 minutes might be good for you. Depending on how fast your stylist moves. I know that sometimes they get wrapped on conversation and don't pay attention. I would tell your stylist upfront what you want, that you don't want the perm to sit and get your hair bone straight, you want it to calm down your new growth texture. If they don't understand or seem relucant to do it your way then I would leave and take the chance of doing it myself at home. There are several ladies here that post great instuctions. I am going to follow Isis' texlaxing procedure and take pictures as well. This is my first time giving myself a perm and I want to make sure that I get it right. I would much rather me do something to my hair because I was trying to do it on my own vs. some hairstylist not listening to what I wanted to have done.
Blackoutzangel gave some great advice. Would it be possible to get a strand test first to see if you get the texture you desire in 15 minutes? That's how I because texlaxed - When I gave myself a strand test it came out underprocessed in 10 minutes, but I liked the results so much I processed my whole head that way.
I think that's more than enough time, for me that would be to long, my hair would be bone straight. I'm texlaxed and it takes me about 5-7 mins to finish.
dlewis said:
I think that's more than enough time, for me that would be to long, my hair would be bone straight. I'm texlaxed and it takes me about 5-7 mins to finish.

Wow...5-7 minutes. Please share your tips on how to do this method yourself. I once tried to relax my hair myself and it was a disaster, so I am at the mercy of stylists.:ohwell:
section hair into 8-10 sections
secure with cloth hair band
starting at the back
start parting and applying relaxer, smooth once with back of comb
continue to work your way up
only appling relaxer to the very back (kitchens) every other relaxer

My goal it not to relax my hair straight, but just enough to relax the curls some. I don't go back a smooth, like I see stylist do.

It should not take very long if you prepare/section your hair in the beginning.
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Blackoutzangel05 said:
15 minutes might be good for you. Depending on how fast your stylist moves. I know that sometimes they get wrapped on conversation and don't pay attention. I would tell your stylist upfront what you want, that you don't want the perm to sit and get your hair bone straight, you want it to calm down your new growth texture. If they don't understand or seem relucant to do it your way then I would leave and take the chance of doing it myself at home. There are several ladies here that post great instuctions. I am going to follow Isis' texlaxing procedure and take pictures as well. This is my first time giving myself a perm and I want to make sure that I get it right. I would much rather me do something to my hair because I was trying to do it on my own vs. some hairstylist not listening to what I wanted to have done.

Thank you. I fully intend to stress what I want. Im tired of growing my hair only for a stylist to rec it. I will just insist on once through and finger smooth for another 2mins – total 15mins in and out.
DCBrown said:
Blackoutzangel gave some great advice. Would it be possible to get a strand test first to see if you get the texture you desire in 15 minutes? That's how I because texlaxed - When I gave myself a strand test it came out underprocessed in 10 minutes, but I liked the results so much I processed my whole head that way.

Strand test sounds cool – I think ill do that hwne I start self relaxing. I know my hair takes to relaxer very quickly but u have thick hair so the stylist always assumes I need a long period. My hair is like baby soft when relaxed but thick, its funny how hard my NG is. thanks
dlewis said:
section hair into 8-10 sections
secure with cloth hair band
starting at the back
start parting and applying relaxer, smooth once with back of comb
continue to work your way up
only appling relaxer to the very back (kitchens) every other relaxer

My goal it not to relax my hair straight, but just enough to relax the curls some. I don't do back a smooth, like I see stylist do.

It should not take very long if you prepare/section your hair in the beginning.

Thank you. I will be timing to make sure she is smoothing after 10mins. Leaving 5 mins to walk to the sink and have it rinsed out.
Wow that’s fast on your own hair. I fully intend to do my won relaxer from now on. I just want it done professionally now as im leaving the UK to move to the US at the end of the month an. I will be keeping an eye out for all the ‘how tos’
TemiLnd said:
Thank you. I will be timing to make sure she is smoothing after 10mins. Leaving 5 mins to walk to the sink and have it rinsed out.
Wow that’s fast on your own hair. I fully intend to do my won relaxer from now on. I just want it done professionally now as im leaving the UK to move to the US at the end of the month an. I will be keeping an eye out for all the ‘how tos’

Congrats on your move. What state are you moving to?
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Congrats on your move. What state are you moving to?

Im moving to DC /MD – im gona be starting a post soon for all the salons, shops, Indian stores etc….lol…
Thank you – im very excited. Im gona be such an English tourist. heehee
DCBrown said:
Blackoutzangel gave some great advice. Would it be possible to get a strand test first to see if you get the texture you desire in 15 minutes? That's how I because texlaxed - When I gave myself a strand test it came out underprocessed in 10 minutes, but I liked the results so much I processed my whole head that way.

I strand tested too. I think it's the only way to find out how long your hair needs. Be careful tho, I stranded test twice in the same place and the hair fell out. I just forgot I'd already one that side. :ohwell:
TemiLnd said:
Im moving to DC /MD – im gona be starting a post soon for all the salons, shops, Indian stores etc….lol…
Thank you – im very excited. Im gona be such an English tourist. heehee

I love that area but I am from Baltimore, MD so I could be a little bias LOL
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I love that area but I am from Baltimore, MD so I could be a little bias LOL

Lol…:D don’t worry I will stalk all your local shops too. Keep an eye out for my post on locations in the DC/ MD area…cheers
sareca said:
I strand tested too. I think it's the only way to find out how long your hair needs. Be careful tho, I stranded test twice in the same place and the hair fell out. I just forgot I'd already one that side. :ohwell:
Thank you.
Ill probably use some shed hair to test how long my hair needs.
But ill be careful.
Recently I stretched my fine pourous 4B hair for 6 months. I texlaxed for 15 minutes with Silk Elements regular and about 1/4 cup of olive oil. I still ended up burning my scalp:confused: I started to rinse around 13-14 minutes because it was burning so bad. The right side of my hair seemed overprocessed but I will know for sure after a couple of weeks:ohwell:

In the future I may have to go down to 12 minutes:look:
dlewis said:
section hair into 8-10 sections
secure with cloth hair band
starting at the back
start parting and applying relaxer, smooth once with back of comb
continue to work your way up
only appling relaxer to the very back (kitchens) every other relaxer

My goal it not to relax my hair straight, but just enough to relax the curls some. I don't go back a smooth, like I see stylist do.

It should not take very long if you prepare/section your hair in the beginning.

Dlewis, Thanks for the info. I am such a klutz when it comes to this stuff! :(
I think it depends on the head of hair. For me 15 mins would equal bone straight, but for someone else it may be perfect.

I don't know if using already shedded hair would give you the same results as on head hair, because the scalp heat helps the process. Know what I mean??
Hey Pixel Lady
you may have a point. i really dont want bone straight and im noticing that my natural fullness is thinning out with relaxers.
The lady that will be doing it is real fast so maybe we'll skip the smoothing stage and just do once through.
i'd rather it was underprocessed so when i relax next time, that will be fixed.
thank you for the heads up