13 ways to use Epsom salt


New Member
Adapted from the Epsom Salt Industry Council
Note: Check with a doctor before using if you have any health concerns.

Relaxing and sedative bath: Soak in warm water and 2 cups of epsom salt.
Face cleaner: To clean your face at night, mix a half-teaspoon of epsom salt with your regular cleansing cream. Just massage into skin and rinse with cold water.
Homemade skin mask: Apply the mask to damp skin. For normal to oily skin, mix 1 tablespoon of cognac, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of non-fat dry milk, the juice of 1 lemon, and a half-teaspoon of epsom salt. For normal to dry skin, mix 1/4 cup of grated carrot, 1 1/2 teaspoons of mayonnaise and a half-teaspoon of epsom salt.
Foot soak: Soothe aches, remove odors and soften rough skin with a foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of epsom salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak feet for as long as it feels right. Rinse and dry.
Skin exfoliator: Massage handfuls of epsom salt over your wet skin, starting with your feet and continuing up towards the face. Have a bath to rinse.
Remove excess oil from hair: Epsom salt soaks up excess oil from hair. Add 9 tablespoons of epsom salt to 1/2 cup of oily hair shampoo. Apply one tablespoon of the liquid to your hair when it is dry; rinse with cold water. Pour lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar through the hair, leave on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse.
Remove hairspray: Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of lemon juice, and 1 cup epsom salt. Combine, cover and let set for 24 hours. The next day, pour the mixture into your dry hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then shampoo as normal.
Hair volumizer: Combine equal parts of deep conditioner and epsom salt. Warm in a pan. Work the warm mixture through your hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse.
Soak sprains and bruises: Epsom salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups epsom salt to a warm bath, and soak.
Splinter remover: Soak in epsom salt, it will draw out the splinter.
GOOD INFO... the only thing Id advise pregnant women to lay low on/be careful with Epsom Salt only because Epsom Salt= Magnesium Sulfate which is what they give to ladies in premature labor to halt it....
good looking PF, I was thinking about Epson and pregnancy...good looking!

btw...i looked up salt b/c i've read some folks wondered what exactly does salt provide, so i thought this would shed some light on the matter.
mix 2 or 3 spoonfuls in a glass of water & drink.... wait a few hours... take a magazine to the crapper with ya
I love to use it for hot soaks. :yep:

Taking a tiny pinch and letting it dissolve in the mouth is good for indigestion and for removing that layer of "film/phlegm" in the back of the throat.
the epsom salt laxative is going in the book! i have to remember this one when i'm having potty issues!
Weird that I see this topic because I just got back from being out in the woods at camp for a month and I felt so dirty. People have advised that I soak in Epsom Salt to exfoliate. I was also tipped off that it's great if you want soft feet. I'm definitely gonna purchase some seeing that its so cheap.
Epsom salt was "part of" a flush/detox my doctor had me do. I had to ingest one other concotion, in addition to the epsom blend, but it really work. I actually passed what he said I would "pass" :look:

I slept like a baby after I was finished the next day.