11 months post, come see the pics!


New Member
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to give you all a quick update on my hair. I am currently 11 months post (yay!) and I don't plan on chopping this year. Unless of course, I decide to chop on my bday in Dec. at 17 months post. I just want to get to at least 17 months, I really want to have something to work with so I have more styling options when I BC.

My new growth is coming in nicely, but my relaxed hair has been breaking off a bit so I'm no role model in terms of keeping both textures healthy, lol :lachen:

At this point I am not using any heat on my hair, it's pointless b/c it takes hours to do and only lasts about a day, plus I don't want to get heat damage.

Anyhoo, I recently discovered half wigs which have been very helpful since late March, esp when I go to work and want to look a bit more jazzy than just wearing my hair in a raggedy bun (my buns look a mess but I prefer as little manipulation as possible) every day.

For the most part, I am alternating between a half wig and a bun every week. I have yet to master the art of a braidout/twistout/or any other "out", but once I do I will put that in my hairstyle rotation as well. I sometimes whole head baggy overnight just cuz I like the extra moisture my new growth gets as a result.

Here are a few pics I took the other day of my hair. I have been cowashing several times a week for the past 3 weeks. Since I typically cowash and bun immediately or cowash and half wig it immediately, I hadn't realized what my hair looked like when unmanipulated so these pics were news to me, lol!!

Front of my hair: Looser texture than the rest, has more of a wavy pattern.


Close up of texture at crown


The hair at my nape when wet:


Looks like this once dry: (Ignore the hairstyle, I wanted to leave that section out to see what it would look like, lol!!)


Another day of cowashing, parted hair a bit higher to see what it looked like:


I'm not as skilled as some of you ladies at getting good close up texture shots using the macro mode on the camera, this was the best I could get:


That's it for now, happy growing ladies!!

More pics: http://public.fotki.com/GaPeachinDC/
That's a lot of new growth! Congrats on your transition! BTW my hair in the front is drier than the rest of my hair and its more of a wavy pattern as well.
Great growth! Your hair looks very healthy. My hair, much like your own, also suffers from multiple personality disorder. :lol:

I am 1 month further than you. Part of me wants to transition indefinitely. Another part is thinking that I may cut around Christmas/New Years. It depends on if I have a growth spurt during the summer.
That's some nice growth you got there. I like your curls :-). Did you do any protective styling?
That's some nice growth you got there. I like your curls :-). Did you do any protective styling?

Thanks ladies! I can't believe I have come this far! GL: I often whole head baggy (with a shower cap) under my half wig. Not sure if that's really protective styling.

Oh wait, actually, I guess my buns are considered protective styling. I try not to mess with my new growth very much, I only comb it when wet (and only a few times per month, not every wash), otherwise I don't really touch it.
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That IS a lot of growth. You seem to have more growth than relaxed hair. :eek:

You're so cute, exploring your hair to see how it looks in different parts. :grin:
Your hair is very pretty, good luck on your transition.

I was doing well with my relaxed and natural hair but as of lately the relaxed ends are breaking a bit, I haven't been taking care of my hair like I used to.

You just reminded me to keep going for the long haul, LOL!
:yep:You have some excellent growth there! I am at 16 months and don't have that much growth from my transition!

Goes to show you that everyone's hair grows at diff rates!!!

I love how thick and healthy it looks! Wonderful job indeed!

BTW, speaking quickly about it, it seems you have more of a wirey texture! Which is beautiful to me.
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Awwww so pretty, by december you should be all natural, You have alot of natural hair.

Thanks for all of your comments ladies! I actually didn't realize I had that much new growth until I looked at the pics, lol. Some (or maybe a lot actually) of my relaxed hair has broken off in certain spots, while other sections still have over 3 inches of new growth left. I'm def. not APL anymore.

:yep:You have some excellent growth there! I am at 16 months and don't have that much growth from my transition!

Goes to show you that everyone's hair grows at diff rates!!!

I love how thick and healthy it looks! Wonderful job indeed!

BTW, speaking quickly about it, it seems you have more of a wirey texture! Which is beautiful to me.

I have NO CLUE how my hair will look once I BC, in a way, if I knew that I would look cute with a really short cut, I would just go ahead and do it. But I don't want to have "chopper's remorse", I see that WAY too often here.

Join the club. Im at 11 months as well. What products are you using and what styles do you sport?

Yay!! Seems like a lot of us started transitioning around the same time. At this point, it's easiest to just say I use conditioner. Lots of it. I apply it to my dry hair and leave it on for at least 30 min before rinsing it out. I shampoo (sulfate-free) as needed, which is usually once every 2 weeks. Then I do a quick cowash and just do a wet bun. I either wear the bun out or wear a human hair half wig that looks like a braidout. Matches my texture perfectly!!

These are my fav conditioners:

Your hair is awesome. I wish I had transitioned for as long as a year. Maybe that will be a goal when my hair gets a little longer.:yep: