10 en 1 Conditioner: So far so good!

I'm going to use this Friday for a rollarset but I took the advice of a fellow hair board friend and broke down and tried it initially for a conditioner wash and me likey

I did use Aubrey Organics GPB first for approx 4/5 mins cold and that made the hair have a nice slip anyway but I still followed with 10 en 1, just to see and OMG

The hair was slipppery.....Mind you, this is me rinsing it out when the GPB already helped beforehand but on rinsing the 10 en 1 (and I only left it on cold for approx 4 mins) my hair was very slippery. I also noticed that my wide tooth comb went through the hair really easily with zero hair in it and no snags. The conditioner is very thick, the kind of consistency I actually like. Like a very thick cream. You can hold the tub upside down and the conditioner doesn't budge

I'll see how the 10 en 1 works for the rollarset at the end of the week but so far. I'm impressed. My hair is wet right now so let's see how it looks tomorrow after air drying over night in 2 pigtails.

Dang and for $3.99, I can see me stockpiling on this (but I'd get the size up jar) as well as getting my LUST.
Its a dominincan conditioner..Miss Keys 10 en 1 conditioner. You can find it at spanish or dominican shops. Also try the search engine, there are many threads on it..
I just bought 10 en 1 this weekend and I'm going to use it this weekend. I'm so excited that you got such good results without heat. I wonder how well it will work when I sit under my dryer
Since there is a Miss Keys Super Conditioner, is there a shampoo? I read somewhere that they have a rinse but rarely see a shampoo. Has anyone tried it and do they (SHAMPOO & RINSE)have the same results as the conditioner?
Someone posted that they have the shampoo, so yes, there is one. I believe it was Labett that purchased it.
MaleiahT said:
Its a dominincan conditioner..Miss Keys 10 en 1 conditioner. You can find it at spanish or dominican shops. Also try the search engine, there are many threads on it..

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Is it just at spanish beauty supply stores? Do you think I could find it at the asian bss?
Hmmmm I dunno...I think your best shot is starting in a hispanic community. You can always call the asian store, just to check. If all else fails call Uptown Beauty Supply (212) 987-2480, and ask them to ship some out to you. HTH
I purchased the 10 en shampoo,rinse and conditioner but I
have not used them yet I will post a review on the shampoo
when I use it.
Someone else posted they were not impressed with the shampoo
that it was kind of harsh.
wow , check out all the comments on 10 en 1. This thing has quite a following!

I'll def. see how it works tomorrow night for the rollarset. I'll leave it on longer.
there is a shampoo and rinse.

I tried them for the first time last week and I was't that impressed with the rinse at all and my mom has used it a few times and complained to me. I didn't use the super conditioner though so i'm wondering if that could help the results.

The shampoo was a bit drying for me too so I wouldn't use it again. i'll leave it (waaaayyy) in the back of my supplies....

oh ...if you live in nyc they sell 10 en 1 ( and many, many Dominican products) at :
Rama Beauty Sup. 212-865-1687
105 and Amsterdam

Jerry's Discount
175-176th St & St.Nicholas
MaleiahT said:
Hmmmm I dunno...I think your best shot is starting in a hispanic community. You can always call the asian store, just to check. If all else fails call Uptown Beauty Supply (212) 987-2480, and ask them to ship some out to you. HTH

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I just received mine from George at Uptown. He shipped it to me in Calif. I had no idea this stuff smelled sooooo yummy. I know I should do a search on this but, I was thinking about leaving it on for about 15 mintues under the dryer. Does that sound okay? It has wheat protein, should I follow with a moisturizer? Okay last question. How does this stuff compare to LUST which I just tried last night (with "oh my gawd" results) or is it more like a cholesterol/protein treatment?

perfect peace
I wish I could answer your questions but Im still waiting to recieve my 10 en 1. But from past posts, I think it would be safe to use it as a deep conditioner and not follow with a moisturizing conditioner. As far as LUST goes..well LUST is in its own category itself as far as "oh my gawd results" but maybe you can rotate these conditioners. Overall, I have found that the general comments about 10 en 1 are positive...HTH
On my hair the 10 en 1 acted more like a cholesterol/protein. I followed it w/ LUST and my air-dried hair was SOOO nice & soft.
Supergirl said:
Yay Lindy
I think I'll follow mine with LUST this weekend.

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Me too, me too
I'ma try this next wash.

perfect peace
MaleiahT said:
As far as LUST goes..well LUST is in its own category itself as far as "oh my gawd results"

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I certainly agree with this.
I haven't used LUST and 10 en 1 on the same shampoo / condition day. However, when I use LUST, I find it works best on my hair when left on for 3 to 5 minutes. HTH.
i found the 10 en 1
im so happy.. i found mine in a hair supply store on fulton and arlington here on brooklyn, and it was a whopping 2.99....great price..... but please tell me what lust stands for.