1 year natural anniversary!


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Well as of last wednesday I have been natural for a year. I stopped transitioning about 2 months ago when I chopped off my relaxed hair. I measured it and I have exaactly 6 inches everywhere. Very even but very short.

Some things I discovered about my hair
my hair is not as think as I thought it was
my hair is a lot thicker than when I relaxed
I have naturally soft hair
my natural hair is shiny
my hair is EXTREMELY curly-- I am starting to think that my hair is beyond 4a/b-- my hair might have its own category like a 5a/b or something
My stylist shrieked when she saw my hair- she said its the curliest she has ever seen.

My plans
I am getting my hair texturized in about 2 weeks but I am still considering ways to relax the curls without harsh chemicals
I am going to switch to braids and weaves using the crown and glory method.

I am currently looking for a detangler and products that are ultra moisturizing.
Congratulations on one year!
Congrats on making it to your one year anniversary!

Have you tried Biolage Detangling solution? It's wonderful at getting through tangles.
You go girl
! I too will be congratulating myself on being natural in 4 months...can't wait
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

CON shampoo/conditioner with the yellow cover and green writing is a GREAT detangler. Biolage daily leave-in tonic is really good too.
thank you!!!

well I have tried the biolage tonic, tried the Giovanni direct leave in, tried the con shampoo, tried many things, my hair is still a tangled mess

I can say that the Paul Mitchell Tea Tree conditioner and a conditioner by sedal have been the only things that seem to work. I still will be texturizing in order to help with the tangles

Thank you ladies for all the support
OT but which conditioner by Sedal have you been using? I've been thinking of trying one of theirs.