product stash

  1. oneastrocurlie

    2023 Use Up Your Stash Challenge

    I think most of us know the drill. Hope it's ok I got this one started. :) Use It or Lose It!!! If you have too many products in your refrigerator, cabinets, storage bins, etc., then this challenge is :flowers:. It is time again to strategically reduce your product stash by using it up or...
  2. uofmpanther

    2022 Use Up Your Stash

    Use It or Lose It!!! If you have too many products in your refrigerator, cabinets, storage bins, etc., then this challenge is :flowers:. It is time again to strategically reduce your product stash by using it up or losing it by giving it away. So join me in this effort by responding to the...
  3. Bette Davis Eyes

    Sprouted Curlies

    Reviews? Thoughts? Any videos out there? They recently had a sale which I was late to so I only picked up two cowashes.