
  1. LadyPBC

    Thinking Of Getting A Cold Perm - Pros? Cons?

    Hi - help! I've been natural for 11 years. At first it was fun and I enjoyed being chemical free. I expected a different texture that just simply did not exist except for my nape area. It turned into a challenge with failed styling attempts, improper preparation (hair not dry but I still...
  2. grow

    2016 Texlaxer Support

    Calling all texlaxers, even permed yet curious, feel welcome to chime in. Some info we can share to help our texlaxing journey: 1. What relaxer do you use to texlax 2. How often do you texlax 3. What do you do to turn your perm/relaxer into a texlax 4. What type of hair do you have (fine...