healthy ends

  1. faithVA

    Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge - 2021

    This challenge is for everyone who wants to focus on healthier ends. We know our hair is always growing and that healthy ends are key to retention. This challenge is for you if you... 1. had healthy ends but damaged them in some way 2. have ends that are dry, brittle, bushy 3. have ends that...
  2. AmethystLily

    Self-trimmers: Are You Scissor-happy On Your Own Hair?

    Who here ends up trimming/cutting more they planned for whatever reason, whether for evenness/equality in length, being OCD about cutting off all/enough of the damage, or just a mistake in gauging how much you cut off (if you cut while curly, in twists, braids, etc.)? Ironically, when I used to...
  3. Prettymetty

    Trim/dust/cut Check In

    When was your last trim or cut? How much did you take off? When do you plan on trimming again? Hopefully we can keep up with our trim schedules and maintain thick healthy ends as a result.