
  1. rileypak

    2019 Challenge - Cowash, Cocleanse, Mud Wash, Honey Cleanse, & Others

    *Copied/modified from 2018 challenge* Okay Ladies, let's keep it up in 2019 with our Co-Washing, Co-Cleansing, Mud Washing, Honey Cleansing or any other alternative form of cleaning our hair and scalp while retaining maximum moisture. Maximum length retention, lush, thick ends and healthy...
  2. rileypak

    2018 Challenge - Cowash, Cocleanse, Mud Wash, Honey Cleanse, & Others

    *Copied/modified from 2017 challenge* Okay Ladies, let's keep it up in 2018 with our Co-Washing, Co-Cleansing, Mud Washing, Honey Cleansing or any other alternative form of cleaning our hair and scalp while retaining maximum moisture. Maximum length retention, lush, thick ends and healthy...
  3. rileypak

    2017 Challenge - Cowash, Cocleanse, Mud Wash, Honey Cleanse, & Others

    *Copied/modified from 2016 challenge* Okay Ladies, let's keep it up in 2017 with our Co-Washing, Co-Cleansing, Mud Washing, Honey Cleansing or any other alternative form of cleaning our hair and scalp while retaining maximum moisture. Maximum length retention, lush, thick ends and healthy...