big chop

  1. A

    Big Chop Advice

    Hi! this is my first post on this site. I recently big chopped after relaxing my hair for about 10 yrs. My last relaxer was around late Jan. and I cut my relaxed hair off in early July, so I have a couple months of growth. I want to know what my hair type or curl pattern is, as well as what...
  2. PittGirl06

    Newly Bc'd....what's My Hair Type???

    Hi all. Haven't posted in several years. Had Sisterlocks for 10 years and just BC'd. I had intended to keep them in for 10 years. I loved my SLs but Spirit said it was time to let them go. I feel so much lighter! I'll probably get locs again, but not any time soon. Anyway, I am rusty on...
  3. W

    Top 3 Tips Every New Natural Should Know/do

    Hey guys, I'm newly natural (see siggy) and I'd love to get some sound advice from you ladies on what every new natural should know as she embarks on her natural hair journey. What 3 tips would you give to your newly natural friend? I'll go first, but just know that I'm a novice over here...
  4. Ginnahaha

    Need Advice: Potential New Buys? (auntie Jackie's,shea Butter)

    Hey y'all, I am thinking about getting a new co-wash so I'm looking at Auntie Jackie's Curls & Coils Flaxseed Recipes Purify Me Moisturizing Co-Wash Cleanser and thinking about the Multi-Purpose Oil. Has anyone tried these or would you recommend them? I am also thinking about beginning to use...
  5. topnotch1010

    I Did It

    I haven't posted on this side in ages… but I did wanna share my BC with you guys!!! It's gonna take me some getting used to. I transitioned for 7 months. I had planned on transitioning for 2 years but that "new year, new me" swirling in my brain wouldn't let me make it beyond 12/31/16. :lachen...
  6. halfindian

    Bc Inspiration Thread

    Ladies post pics of your BC. Whether you transitioned long or short term or shaved bald. Also state how many weeks post you were when you BC'd.
  7. LexiDior

    I Finally Did It!!

    Im officially apart of the natural community now. I big chopped last night!! After 24 years of being relaxed I finally meet my natural hair. Im going to miss being APL but with all the breakage I had when I was relaxed, it was more stress than it was worth. So, any tips for my TWA?