Well-Known Member
Che, I actually was asking you both but have problem with the quote so thanks for chiming in. I do use both of those usually just for conditioning, but I did use to use suave coconut prior to being fully natural. I think for cowashing I'll do without the cone, my hair love cone for conditioning and leave in but the washing is.
Mkd I ordered that shea rinse so I'll see how that works too. thanks ladies!
If I can offer some advice

ITA with Mkd the aussie definitely left a coating and made my hair dry/crunchy and it took me cutting out cones to realized even a mild cone won't work for me.
I've been cowashing with the Tresemmes naturals right now and I like it. Good slip for detangling, decent ingredients, and it smells nice. Price isn't bad either. I also like SSI Avocado, Super Soft Honey, and the Hibiscus (use this less often). The SSH replaced my Y2C and I use it when my hair is dry and only needs a cowash to fix. Avocado is my cowash condish and the new formula is great for detangling.
I like Jasmine's Shea Rinse as a leave-in. It didn't do much for my hair as a cowash. I hope you have a better experience.